screen or not to screen…………….
There is scientific proof
to show that a commitment to a healthy lifestyle may prevent cancer. A few key
examples include eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, and avoiding
tobacco smoke. However, some individuals may be prone to developing cancer
because of an inherited genetic mutations or exposures to toxic environmental
factors such as radiation or other unidentified risk factors, particularly if
the exposure happens in childhood or infancy. So even if a person takes
precautions and makes lifestyle changes to avoid cancer, he or she may already
be predisposed to develop the disease later in life. Therefore it is important
to undergo screening such that any premalignant disease can be detected early
when there is good chance for a cure.
Yet screening is among
medicine’s most controversial topics. A major challenge is that it can be
difficult to determine if a particular cancer will advance rapidly, progress
more slowly, or possibly, not develop at all. In many cases, people who have an
indolent cancer or a benign disease will die from other causes before they die
from cancer, so detection and treatment are unnecessary and offer no benefit
whatsoever. Worse, the treatment could itself cause unnecessary stress, harm,
even disfigurement. Slow cancers, by their dawdling nature, frequently have a
longer pre-symptomatic period, increasing the likelihood of discovery and
improving the chances of treatment. These cancers may be well worth catching.
With particularly aggressive cancers, the disease can move so quickly that
early detection and treatment cannot help. Another factor influencing outcomes
is that the attitude people have about cancer may help decide whether they live
or die (and how quickly) from the disease. The goal, then and also a major
scientific challenge, in cancer screening is to determine who would benefit the
most from early detection. The good news is that scientists are getting closer
to identifying specific gene expression signatures that may help predict if
cancers will be aggressive or not.
The screening tests now
available can indicate susceptibility to various cancers including, breast,
colon, lung, prostate, cervical, endometrial, ovarian, pancreatic, and melanoma
cancers and can often be performed in clinics or laboratories. While there
remains questions about the risk-to-benefit ratio cancer screening, once
resolved, the benefits of cancer screening should be clear—as well as the
possibility of eradicating cancer.
Read more in Cancer Causes and Controversies- Understanding risk reduction and prevention....
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